The Right Attorney
When Legal Matters Become Personal

Firm News

COVID-19 Mortgage Relief Options

You may have heard that one of the provisions of the CARES Act, is that there is currently a moratorium on foreclosures of federal loans, and in fact, upon request, you can request that all payments stop for six months, and then request another six month extension....

Current Theisen Law policies under COVID-19

At this juncture, we can continue working from home, and serving our clients via phone, email, and fax. Mail is forwarded home. We keep limited hours at the office but can pick up documents there. We anticipate gradually reopening within the next month. All meetings...

Gov. Walz Suspends Garnishments

Governor Tim Walz just issued an executive order halting any garnishment of bank accounts or wages for consumer debts. Violators are subject to a $25,000 penalty. There is an exception for child support. Also, consistent with what we already understood, he clarified...

Options for Chapter 13 Debtors 

Many people in an existing, confirmed chapter 13 plan have suffered a change of income, and have inquired about their options. Even debtors whose income has not been impacted have a few new options to consider. When a chapter 13 debtor’s income decreases, we take a...

Theisen Law Newsletter April 10, 2020

Good Friday to you! I have been trying to blog & update on these topics, so wanted to take a moment to summarize and update, since information seems to get stale after a few days. Theisen Law policies during the Stay at Home order New laws & policies for...
