In a bankruptcy case, you don’t actually go to court, but there is a necessary appearance with the trustee called a meeting of creditors, which traditionally has been held at the courthouse. These have been getting done by phone conference (or video conference for chapter 13 cases) since April. The original target date to revert to in-person meetings was July 11, 2020 and that has just been extended to cases filed through October 10, 2020. Frankly, I think it has been going well remotely, and wasn’t at all surprised to hear this. I think we will see full football stadiums before we see in-person meetings of creditors again.
We have re-opened our office, and will meet in person upon request by appointment as necessary, yet we also are doing our best to avoid social contact for the safety of all parties. Thus you can now file bankruptcy without even needing to leave your own home!